Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The "5-3-2-1-almost none" plan

Implement these concepts to help you on your quest for health!

  • Eat 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables

  • Have 3 structured meals (including breakfast)

  • Limit TV/video game use to 2 or less hours

  • Engage in 1 or more hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity

  • Limit sugar-sweetened drink to almost none


  1. I love this! What an easy way to check in each day and see how healthy your decisions were that day. With Monet, I'm so busy and really I don't have much time to work out, but this is something I can, and actually do, most days. I love when healthy is easy. That should be your motto - making healthy easy. Love this!

  2. :) I love that motto! Making Healthy Easy! Thanks Angela! How about adding in a 4- 4 quarts of water per day. :)
