Many of you probably wonder what I do on a day-to-day basis. Here is an insight into my work as a dietitian specializing in the field of wt. loss.
Whether a surgical or nonsurgical patient all patients that come into Surgical Bariatrics Northwest with the goal of changing their life are entered into the Optifit program.
What is OPTIFIT? Optifit is a weight management program that is physician-monitored and dietitian-directed, provides behavioral support, and utilizes a professional trainer—all to get you looking and feeling great! We’re here to help get you started on our medically directed, proven effective, non-surgical weight loss program that is designed to elevate your wellness and revitalize your life. Located in Post Falls, Idaho, Optifit offers you the care and support you need to help you achieve your weight loss goals and restore your health.
As the dietitian, I work with patients one on one to access their metabolic function and devise meal plans based on their individual results. Together we look at how their metabolism is working (how many calories they need in a day) and what their body composition is (fat mass vs. fat free mass). The main goal is to lose fat and maintain muscle! This is done with a caloric precise, high protein OPTIFIT meal replacements.
Feel free to join one of our newest patients on her journey. Losingbigwinningbigger
The Optifit program is fail proof and the big test comes after patients are done with the 12 wk program and are transitioning back to regular eating. With Optifit you will lose weight no matter what, but unless you have changed your mind and engaged in a complete lifestyle change the weight will come back. I work with each individual during the 12 weeks to give them the dietary education and tools that they need to be successful long after the program. Our behavioral groups are a big part of our patients success as well. In these groups individuals are able to identify those behaviors that needs to be changed in order to reach their long term goals.
If you have any questions about what a dietitian does or about the Optifit program please let me know!
If you are currently on Optifit I would love for you to post your experiences and also maybe some of your favorite ways to spruce up your meal replacements!
Here are a couple tips!
- Add sugar free peppermint or Irish cream to your chocolate shake or hot cocoa drink
- Add fresh basil to your tomato soup
- Blend a Crystal Light packet into your vanilla shake
- Blend your fruit drink with ice (some people like to add diet sprite in it as well)
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